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How AI is set to dominate marketing in 2024

As 2024 approaches, we’re not just stepping into a new year – we’re leaping into a new era of digital marketing, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t just an addition – it’s the star of the show. 

A recent study from Hubspot announced that 61% of organisations are now turning to AI, not for its tech appeal, but for a surprisingly practical reason – to significantly lighten the load on their staff in managing social media strategies. This figure is merely the beginning of understanding AI’s revolutionary impact on marketing. In this blog, we’ll explore the various aspects of AI in marketing, examining its impact, advantages, and the future it promises for businesses like Digital Twenty Four.

The AI revolution in marketing

The AI revolution in marketing

For us digital marketers, the AI revolution is like having a secret weapon. It’s transforming the way we approach everything from campaign strategy to content creation. Imagine AI as a sophisticated assistant that not only helps craft compelling ad copy but also fine-tunes it to resonate with our target audience. The real magic, however, lies in its analytical prowess. AI algorithms can delve into consumer data, revealing patterns and preferences that inform more effective and personalised marketing strategies. This isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s about gaining deep, actionable insights that can dramatically improve campaign performance. And when it comes to content, AI is our creative ally, suggesting topics, optimising SEO, and even drafting initial content pieces. This revolution isn’t just about embracing new technology; it’s about reimagining the possibilities of digital marketing, making our roles more creative, strategic, and impactful.

Reducing staff workload with AI

Reducing staff workload with AI

A significant impact of AI in marketing is its ability to automate repetitive and labour-intensive tasks. This automation isn’t about replacing human marketers but enhancing their capabilities and allowing them to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their roles. AI-powered tools can handle social media posts, analyse customer feedback, and even interact with customers, significantly reducing the workload on staff. Here’s an example of a digital marketer using AI tool, Chat GPT to reduce their workload. 

Personalisation at scale

Personalisation at scale

AI is facilitating personalisation at an unprecedented scale. By analysing customer data, AI can assist marketers in creating highly personalised content, offers, and experiences for each individual. Achieving this level of personalisation was once unfeasible due to the immense volume of data and the complexity of analysing it. AI makes it achievable, leading to higher engagement rates and improved customer satisfaction.

One notable example of a brand effectively using AI personalisation tools is Netflix. The streaming giant has revolutionised the way content is recommended to users, leveraging AI to analyse vast amounts of data based on individual viewing habits, search history, and even the time spent on titles.

Netflix’s AI algorithms go beyond basic recommendations. They personalise the entire user experience, including the artwork displayed for shows and movies. Depending on your viewing history, you might see different thumbnails for the same title, each designed to appeal to your specific tastes and preferences.

This level of personalisation has been a key factor in Netflix’s success, keeping users engaged by constantly offering tailored content suggestions. The AI system continuously learns and evolves based on user interactions, ensuring that the recommendations remain relevant and compelling. This approach not only enhances user satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of viewers spending more time on the platform, directly impacting Netflix’s retention rates and overall success.

Predictive analytics & consumer insights

Amazon stands as a sterling example of a brand utilising AI to predict consumer behaviour and enhance forecasting. This e-commerce behemoth harnesses advanced AI algorithms to sift through a wealth of customer data, encompassing past purchases, search histories, items in shopping baskets, and customer reviews and ratings.

This AI-driven strategy allows Amazon to accurately anticipate consumer purchasing patterns and preferences. A notable feature is their recommendation system, often presented as “Customers who bought this item also bought.” This system, powered by AI, doesn’t just suggest products that might pique customer interest; it also aids in predicting product demand, enabling Amazon to fine-tune its inventory and supply chain management. Amazon’s adept use of AI for consumer behaviour prediction and forecasting has been instrumental in providing a highly personalised shopping experience and maintaining its dominance in the e-commerce sector.

Enhancing customer experience with chatbots and AI assistants

Enhancing customer experience with chatbots and AI assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionising customer service in marketing. These tools can provide instant responses to customer queries, offer personalised recommendations, and even handle transactions. This level of customer service efficiency not only enhances the customer experience but also contributes to brand loyalty and retention.

A prominent example of a brand that enhances customer experience using chatbots and AI assistants is Sephora, the renowned beauty and cosmetics retailer. Sephora has been at the forefront of adopting AI technology to revolutionise the customer experience both online and in-store.

One of their notable AI innovations is the Sephora Virtual Artist, a chatbot with augmented reality capabilities. This tool allows customers to try on different makeup products virtually using their smartphone cameras. Customers can experiment with various shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, and other products, making it easier to make informed purchasing decisions without physically trying on the products.

These AI-driven initiatives by Sephora have significantly improved customer engagement and satisfaction. By leveraging chatbots and AI assistants, Sephora offers a more interactive, personalised, and convenient shopping experience, setting a high standard in the beauty industry for customer service and innovation.

AI in content creation & SEO

AI in content creation & SEO

AI is making significant strides in content creation and search engine optimisation (SEO). AI tools can assist in generating content ideas, optimising content for search engines, and even writing initial drafts. In SEO, AI is used for keyword research, understanding search intent, and optimising websites for better search engine rankings.

The integration of AI in content creation and graphic design has led to the development of various innovative tools and apps that significantly enhance creativity and efficiency. Here are some notable examples:

  • Canva: While primarily known as a user-friendly graphic design tool, Canva has integrated AI to offer design suggestions, layout recommendations, and even colour palette choices based on the user’s preferences and past designs. This makes it easier for users to create professional-looking designs without needing extensive graphic design knowledge.
  • Adobe Sensei: Adobe’s AI and machine learning platform, Sensei, is integrated into various Adobe products. In graphic design, it helps with tasks like auto-tagging images in Adobe Stock and Photoshop, and in content creation, it assists in refining content in Adobe Experience Manager, making the process more intuitive and efficient.
  • Grammarly: While primarily a writing assistant for grammar and spelling checks, Grammarly uses AI to offer style and tone suggestions, making it a valuable tool for content creators who want to ensure their writing is not only error-free but also aligns with a specific voice or tone.
  • DeepArt: Leveraging AI, DeepArt transforms photographs into artworks mimicking the styles of famous artists like Van Gogh or Picasso. This tool is popular among graphic designers and social media marketers for creating unique and eye-catching visuals.
  • Lumen5: This AI-driven video creation tool helps marketers turn blog posts and other content into engaging videos. Lumen5 analyses the text content and suggests relevant images and video clips, which can be a huge time-saver for content creators.

Ethical considerations & the human touch

While AI offers numerous benefits, it’s vital to consider the ethical implications and the importance of maintaining a human touch. Issues such as data privacy, bias in AI algorithms, and the impersonal nature of automated interactions require careful management. Balancing AI capabilities with human empathy and creativity is essential for ethical and effective marketing.

Preparing for an AI-dominated future

For businesses and marketers, the rise of AI necessitates a shift in skills and strategies. Embracing AI tools, understanding their capabilities, and training teams to work alongside AI are crucial steps. Additionally, staying informed about AI advancements and ethical guidelines will be key to success in this new era.


AI’s role in marketing is not a passing trend; it represents a fundamental shift in how marketing functions. As we progress further into 2024, AI’s influence will only increase, offering incredible opportunities for businesses to innovate, personalise, and streamline their marketing efforts. For companies like us at Digital Twenty Four, harnessing AI’s potential will be crucial to staying competitive and delivering exceptional customer experiences.

The future of marketing is here, and it’s powered by AI!


Picture of Chloe Boyle

Chloe Boyle

As Digital Marketing Manager at Digital 24, I specialise in both organic and performance marketing. I love combining my experience in paid advertising and social media to craft strategies that help our clients succeed across all areas of digital marketing.