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How to set up events on Meta using the Events Setup Tool

Tracking user behaviour on your website is crucial for optimising campaigns, improving conversion rates and enhancing your overall digital marketing efforts. The purpose of tracking events on Meta is to record the direct performance of your Meta campaigns (not overall website performance like on GA4). Meta (formerly Facebook) offers a simple way to do this through their Events Setup Tool in Facebook Events Manager. With it, you can track actions like button clicks, form submissions, or product purchases without the need for complex coding. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to setup events easily using this tool!

1. Go to your dataset/pixel. You may find this in Meta Events Manager.

2. Go to “settings” along the top of the pixel

events manager settings


3. Scroll down to “Events setup tool” & click “Open Event Setup Tool”


4. Type in the URL containing the element you want to track and hit “Open Website”


5. A lightbox should show up overlaid over your website. Find the element you want to track. If this is a button hit “Track new button”, if it’s a URL (e.g. a thank you page) hit “Track a URL”

6. If you select “Track new button” all of the available buttons will be highlighted – all you need to do is click on the element you want to track


7. If you select “Track a URL” you just need to make sure the URL is right. We recommend using “URL contains” so that you don’t block any conversions with UTM parameters


8. For either, you need to assign your conversion to a standard event from the dropdown. Select the standard event that matches what action you’re tracking. Make sure to note this down so you don’t forget what action records as what event.

events setup tool meta dropdown events

When you’re done setting up your events, just hit “Finish setup” on your lightbox and you’re ready to run conversion-based campaigns on Meta – delivering better optimised and data-driven performance!


Picture of Meghan Semple

Meghan Semple

I'm Digital 24's Performance Marketing Director. My bread and butter's in advertising on channels like Facebook and Google as well as others like TikTok, Pinterest and LinkedIn... However, I'm quite a data-driven person and love chatting all-things tracking, analytics and even some SEO!