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Why plain text emails are dominating right now

When we’re designing emails as marketers, we’ll put a lot of time and effort into making our campaigns or flows look as swish as possible – perfecting our graphics, buttons, fonts and more to give the email itself a highly polished feel. Well, guess what? Sometimes, the simplest design works best. And by simple, we mean, really simple. We’re talking about plain text emails.

designed HTML email
Example of a designed HTML email. Source:

We’re talking about plain text emails – just words, no frills. At Digital 24, we’ve found that these emails can actually be way more powerful than the fancy ones. Why? Because they feel real. They feel like someone’s just talking to you. Think of your own inbox where everyone’s trying to grab your attention with shiny stuff, sometimes being simple stands out. In fact, states that plain text emails have, on average, a 17% higher click-through-rate than regular HTML (designed) emails. However, they also note that this will vary across industries. 

plain text email example in mailchimp
Plain text email example in Mailchimp


Why plain text emails work

It’s not just luck that plain emails get results. It’s about how people think and how we use email. Let’s break it down.

1. Getting past the “Ad” feeling

Think about your inbox. You see a lot of emails that scream “ad!” Often, your brain just ignores them. Plain text emails? They look like messages from a friend. So, you actually read them. You don’t feel like you’re being sold to.

How to do it: Write like you’re talking to someone. Short sentences, easy words, no fancy stuff. Just be yourself. People like that.


2. Getting people to reply

We all want to talk to people, right? If someone sends you a message, you want to reply. That’s just how we are. Fancy emails don’t make you want to reply. But plain text emails, when they feel real, do.

What to do: Ask questions. Not “Buy our stuff,” but “What’s hard for you with [problem]?” or “What do you think about [topic]?” Make it easy for them to answer.


3. Making your message clear

All those pictures and designs? They can be distracting. With plain text, it’s just the words. So, people actually read them. They get your message.

How to write it: Keep it short and simple. Use spaces between your sentences. Start with one good line that grabs attention. Make it easy to read.


4. Making them feel special

We all like to feel special, right? Like we’re in on something. A plain email that feels like a secret or a personal note makes people feel that way.

How to write it: Talk like you’re sharing something just for them. Say things like, “I wanted to tell you this first…” or “I thought you’d want to know…” Make them feel like they’re part of your inner circle.


In what cases does plain text often work?

Plain text email is most effective when used in spaces where users might expect some personal contact or where direct contact from a senior member of your team might be seen as beneficial for consumers. So, for example, plain text can be highly effective in B2B or SaaS spaces. Other areas, such as eCommerce, plain text can be used but we’d often recommend they’re used a lot more sparingly in your ratio to HTML emails. An example of a plain text eCommerce email could be your win-back flow or review-request. These emails could be AB tested against HTML to assess uplift in the key actions you’d like users to take at these stages. 


Simple wins because it builds connections

Everyone’s trying to do too much. Being simple is powerful. Plain emails aren’t about being boring; they’re about being real. They don’t shout; they talk. And people listen. At Digital Twenty Four, we believe it’s about making real connections. Stop trying to impress; start trying to connect.

Picture of Meghan Semple

Meghan Semple

I'm Digital 24's Performance Marketing Director. My bread and butter's in advertising on channels like Facebook and Google as well as others like TikTok, Pinterest and LinkedIn... However, I'm quite a data-driven person and love chatting all-things tracking, analytics and even some SEO!