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How to track conversions on Meta Ads in 2024

If you find Meta Ads confusing, you are not alone. It’s a platform packed with powerful features, but with that power comes complexity. One of the trickiest aspects? Meta pixels. But here’s the thing – mastering conversion tracking on Meta (formerly Facebook) is not just a nice-to-have—it’s essential if you want to see real success as an advertiser.

So, let’s cut through the confusion. In this blog post, we’ll dive into how to track conversions on Meta Ads in 2024 and why it’s a game-changer for your campaigns.

Meta ads: A brief overview

Meta Ads, formerly known as Facebook Ads, is Meta’s advertising platform that lets businesses of all sizes reach specific audiences across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network. It’s a powerful tool with many features designed to help you target the right people at the right time with the right message.

Why conversion tracking matters

Running a marketing campaign is like baking a cake. You can gather all the right ingredients, follow the recipe to the letter, and even decorate it with a little bit of jazz, but the proof is in the tasting. If you’re not measuring how well your campaign performed, how do you know if it’s a hit or a flop?

This is where Meta pixels come in. They help you see beyond the surface—beyond just clicks and views—allowing you to track meaningful actions that people take after seeing your ads. Did they visit your site? Did they add something to their cart? Did they actually buy something? These are the actions that truly matter, and tracking them can transform your advertising strategy.

Understanding Meta Ads conversion tracking

At its core, conversion tracking is about one thing: understanding how well your marketing efforts are working. It’s not enough to know how many people clicked on your ad. You need to know how many of those clicks turned into meaningful actions—like purchases, sign-ups, or inquiries.

Conversion tracking puts a number on these actions. It tells you how many people are buying your product, signing up for your newsletter, or engaging with your content. This data isn’t just useful—it’s essential. It’s the key to optimising your campaigns and ensuring you’re getting the best possible return on your investment.

The benefits of conversion tracking

Why go through the trouble of setting up conversion tracking?:

  • Maximise your ROI: Conversion tracking lets you see if your ads are delivering the results you need. Are you getting enough bang for your buck? Without this data, you’re flying blind.
  • Smart budget allocation: You can adjust your budget accordingly—less on what’s underperforming, and more on what’s working.
  • Identify opportunities for improvement: Not all campaigns are created equal. If one approach isn’t converting as well as another, conversion tracking helps you spot the difference and make informed adjustments.
  • Distinguish clicks from conversions: A high click-through rate might look good on paper, but if those clicks aren’t leading to conversions, they’re not worth much. Conversion tracking gives you a clearer picture of what’s really going on.

Setting up conversion tracking on Meta Ads

There are two main ways to set up conversion tracking on Meta Ads: the Meta Pixel and the Conversions API (CAPI). You can use them individually or together for the best results.

Option 1: Meta Pixel

The Meta Pixel is a snippet of code you place on your website to track visitor actions—like page views, add-to-cart events, and purchases. Once installed, you’ll be able to see how your ads are performing directly in Meta’s Ads Manager and Events Manager.

Not only does it track conversions, but it also allows you to create custom audiences for ad targeting. You can even set up Advantage+ catalogue ads to find people likely to convert based on their past actions. The Pixel helps you measure the effectiveness of your ads and the value of your website traffic, giving you the data you need to tweak and optimise your campaigns.

How to Create a Meta Pixel:

  1. Go to your Events Manager in your Meta Ads account
    Screen shot on laptop of Meta Ads pointing to Events Manager
    Click on “Connect Data Sources” and select “Web” and then click “Get Started.”
    Screen shot on laptop demonstation how to create meta pixel for your Meta Ads

    3. Name your Pixel and add your website URL.
    4.You’ll be given a snippet of code to place on your website. If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, there are plugins to make this process easier.
    5. Once your Pixel is installed, you can start setting up standard events (like purchases) or custom events (like tracking specific button clicks).

Events refer to specific actions users take on your website, like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Meta offers predefined “standard events” that you can use to track these actions, optimize your campaigns for conversions, and create targeted audiences. You can find a full list of these standard events in the Meta Business Help Centre.

Option 2: Conversions API (CAPI)

While the Meta Pixel tracks user actions directly on your website, the Conversions API connects your server data with Meta, allowing you to track conversions that happen offline or after the initial website visit. This can include things like CRM data or purchase information from your e-commerce platform.

CAPI captures data that the Pixel might miss, especially with increasing data privacy restrictions. It works well alongside the Pixel to provide a more holistic picture of your conversion tracking.

Setting Up CAPI:

  1. Choose your method: You can set up CAPI using a partner integration (like Shopify), through your own server, or by using a Meta partner.
  2. Connect your data: Follow Meta’s step-by-step guide to connect your server-side data with Meta.
  3. Test and optimise: Once set up, test your CAPI connection to ensure everything is tracking correctly.

Setting up the Conversions API with Facebook for WordPress and Shopify is surprisingly straightforward. Both platforms offer user-friendly integrations that make the process quick and painless.


In 2024, you can’t afford to throw money at ads and hope for the best. Conversion tracking is your secret weapon, turning data into insights and insights into action. With the Meta Pixel and Conversions API, you’ll have everything you need to make sure every ad dollar counts.

So, if you haven’t thought about it before – now is the time to set up your conversion tracking, and watch as your campaigns not only perform better but drive real, measurable results.

Picture of Laura McCourt

Laura McCourt

I am Digital 24's Social & Content Coordinator. I focus on all things social media, content creation, video creation & editing, and blog writing. Right now, I'm diving into the massive world of SEO!